Monday, September 9, 2019

Role of International Non-Government Organizations Essay

Role of International Non-Government Organizations - Essay Example Risk identification is basically a process that allows an organization or a company to identify any potential risks that the organization faces. Risk identification is the first and one of the main steps of the risk management process. Organizations usually carry out risk management to ensure that their assets and their operations are not damaged by a certain imminent threat. In case the company is unable to prevent any threat from occurring the organization implements certain measures that ensure that the damage is kept to a minimum (Karolak, 1995).In this paper, the author will evaluate how the tourism industry of Thailand recovered from the aftermath of Tsunami in 2004 and what role was played by government, NGOs and other stakeholders in helping the industry to return to its usual form. The tsunami of December 2004 affected six provinces along Thailand’s Andaman coast. It had an impact on 407 villages, completely destroying 47 of them, and killing more than 8,200 people. As of December 2005, 929 bodies remained unidentified, though by May 2006 this number had been reduced to around 500Í ¾ these bodies are at the Bang Maruan cemetery in Tsunami that disrupted the environment and created economic problems for the country required a coordinated relief effort supported by the government and international agencies to prevent further destruction, build back Thailand and its tourism sector. In this regard, it is essential to take into consideration the role of the non-profitable organizations like NGO’s who played their part in integrating all the activities related to crises management. There were many national and international operations carried out who had the purpose of delivering aid to the affected persons. However, there were many difficulties faced by these non-government organizations.

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